Blog Post

It’s wedding season, but before you tie the knot….

It’s wedding season, but before you tie the knot….

“Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards” (Benjamin Franklin)

Whether or not you elect to follow the second part of Ben Franklin’s advice, be sure to follow the first – keep your eyes wide open when choosing which “marital regime” will apply to your marriage.

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To ANC or not to ANC?  That is the question — Do you or don’t you need an ANC (“antenuptial contract”)?

Firstly, it’s not an admission that you may divorce, so don’t fall into the trap of thinking “we don’t want to even think about divorce so no ANC for us thanks”.  Not only do our divorce statistics make that a very short-sighted approach, but your choice now also affects you both during your marriage and when one of you dies.

Click the source link to read the rest of this post …

[Source] Ashersons Attorneys >> It’s wedding season …