A quick SMS poll taken the other day…

So, I was sitting here in my room last Sunday, trying my hardest to keep my mind concentrating on the current topic at hand: Hart, Austin, Raz, Kelsen, Dworkin, et al ... But I found my mind wondering off, down every 'side road' there was, onto other completely random topics of little or no worth. I just could not help it. My mind had a mind of its own. At one stage I caught myself wondering about what some of my friends were currently thinking about. So I decided that I would take a quick SMS poll, and find out.…
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Why you should NOT cheat on your partner…

Story: Apparently the owner of the BMW M3 (’Mr A’) was sleeping with another guy’s wife (’Mrs B’). ‘Mr B’ found out about ‘Mr A’ sleeping with his wife… was a little psycho… and decided to take this frustration out on the M3… (Not cool !!!!) Location: North Carolina, United States of America. Update: A little update to the story… Mr A’s brother contacted via email, and asked me to remove the licence plate numbers (so no more psychos can get to them…) and told me that my story is actually a little wrong… Mrs B was actually recently divorced.…
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Stress takes its toll on Telkom chair Nomazizi Mtshotshisa

The resignation of Telkom chair Nomazizi Mtshotshisa comes after a stroke and a battle with the SA Revenue Service (Sars) over unpaid taxes. According to sources close to the telecom corporation, Mtshotshisa has been struggling with her health since her stroke earlier this year. Another source says she has had to have a lift installed in her Johannesburg home to improve her mobility. She surprised the market with her resignation announcement last week. At the time Mtshotshisa was in London, involved in negotiations with Vodafone regarding the joint shareholding of Vodacom. A stock exchange news service announcement said simply that…
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